This kind of embarrassing moment just happen to my idiots life. This Sad-Sat'night, just giggling with my latop and going online, while my sista (let call her Tompel) watch some kind of romantic dvd movie which is so annoying me, yeah me was about in the place of hate -anything -romantic- crap- thing!. Dont ask why guys, it'S a long boring stories, well another part of my creepy love life. The point is, this morning i had eat 1 kilo's of shrimp Roll all by my self. "Shit". i'm in the deep shit coz i'm so allergic of shrimp. But they taste good enough so..yeah u know what i means, i just dont care about my allergic.hahaha.
So here i am at my sad sat'night, Waiting for that shrimp ruined my life with some effect to my INNOCENT body. "bring it on Shrimp". Haha. And just like magic my ass was about so itchy. "oh-no". How about other part of my body? Thanks god people can't look at me right now. fuih, believe me guys..u dont need to see me if you know zombie words. My eyes was enlarged or swollen. Other swollen are found in the neck, under the chin and leg.
Dont worry guys, the pain not stop there. My stomach killing me so i run to my bath room and get my frist pup activity today but that not going smoothly. TRY Harder to get my waste out..H.A.R.D.E.R enough to bomb Nagasaki once's again. I bet this is my f###k shrimp, come on go out smoothly. "Dont hurt me more" (i'm talking to my ass).
finally..(thanks for all the pray)..waste are out of my body. Yippe. Hip hip horay. And then, a dramatic moment, i talk to my shrimp waste before i'm flash them out of toilet. Nicest words ever:"You guys was my fav food ever, so why dont we just get a long and be friends..act easy oke". I'm talking with a lower voice, standing and my eyes was look straigh at my shrimp waste until...somehow...i just dont know why this happen..my GLASSES was Falling right to the hole of my toilet!!! Melted with shrimp waste. Touched with my shrimp waste. Collide ever after with my shrimp waste. United with some kind disgusting yellow thing. May take some moment..
"arrrghhhhh" screaming while crying
Damn u Shrimps Roll
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